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ilvermorny // 2020

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Mordecai Ogden Harkaway // Amelia Gwendolyn Pond



Mordecai Ogden Harkaway
Мордекай Огден Харкауэй
Cole Sprouse
— 6.04.2003, 17  —
— полукровка, человек —
— Пакваджи, 7 —
— студент, охотник в команде Пакваджи —
— положительное отношение к не-магам —

умения: самое главное и чуть ли не единственное умение - зельеварение, он тонко чувствует данный процесс и довольно легко справляется с зельями, даже сложными (для этого требует несколько больше времени), так же очень хорош в травологии, но на этом его феноменальные таланты заканчиваются; имеет довольно неплохие оценки по всяческим практическим предметам, а вот со всякими теоретическими всегда были проблемы в силу полнейшего отсутствия усидчивости; отлично летает на метле и очень хорошо играет в квиддич, крайне активен в жизни, так что успел испробовать все как магические, так и не магические активные развлечения; больше никаких умений и навыков не замечено за данным молодым человеком - почерк у него ужасный, рисовать, музицировать, танцевать - не умеет, готовить не умеет, зато мастерски мухлюет в различные настольные игры;
палочка: 12 дюймов, гибкая, омела, рог кроленя;
артефакты и животное: метла Utah, целый ящик со всякими безобидными магическими шутейками.
боггарт: зомби;
амортенция: запах свежеиспеченных булочек, запахи моря и костра;
место рождения: Орегон, США.



Amelia Gwendolyn Pond
Амелия Гвендолин Понд
Lili Reinhard
— 11.08.2003, 17  —
— магглорожденная —
— Вампус, 7 —
— студентка, участник Дуэльного клуба —
— планирует стать хит-визардом —

умения: вся семья полицейские, есть старшие братья, что научили ее драться; первое время в школе она боялась, что кто-то узнает о ее происхождении, изучала историю магии, чтобы не дай Бог, то есть Мерлин, не слыть невеждой, но вскоре поняла, что не только Объединённые Штаты лояльны к иммигрантам, но и в Ильверморни не судят о волшебнике по чистоте крови; любит летать на метле, но в квиддиче предпочитает роль болельщика; всегда была плоха в зельеварении, любит прорицания за саму возможность предсказывать будущее, неплоха в травологии. чочет стать хит-визардом, поэтому делает упор на обучение боевой магии, получается;
палочка: 11"3/4, жесткая, тис, шерсть Вампуса;
артефакты и животное: украшения-амулеты, кот по кличке Дымок;
боггарт: медуза с клоунским гримом;
амортенция: хвоя, свежая клюква и корешки старых книг;
место рождения: Нью-Йорк, США.

[NIC]Decky Harkaway[/NIC][STA]— l o o k —[/STA][AVA]https://i.imgur.com/uTJLGqV.png[/AVA][SGN]i   b e t   y o u   o n l y   u s e d   t h e   b o t h   p r i c e[/SGN]



«Ams,» actually they never were real friends. «Hey, Ams!»
Someone decided to make a new project to mix students from different Houses with wide range of interests to create a productive teamwork. Guess who is not satisfied? Right, Decky thought that it’s super stupid because he doesn’t want to make all these Herbology preparation by his own. Yes, he remembered that Amy always was so bad at this.
«Shit! And where I suppose to find her?!» He was disturbed and wanted just to go and finish his real project. «Hey guys, have you seen Amy hmmm Pond. This blond girl from Wampus? No, really?! Fuck my life!»
He was looking for her about an hour and it literally drove him crazy. Decky was in this condition when he almost gave up to find her and meet in the school yard. No, they’ll newer be friends.
«Pond! I was looking for you for ages! We need to decide which topic our team want to work on. I have some ideas but all of them kinda high level…» he meant it would be difficult for her of course. «But still you can choose what you want to do, I don’t mind.»
Boy stoped near her and started to stare at Amy with a really serious look.

[NIC]Decky Harkaway[/NIC][STA]— l o o k —[/STA][AVA]https://i.imgur.com/uTJLGqV.png[/AVA][SGN]i   b e t   y o u   o n l y   u s e d   t h e   b o t h   p r i c e[/SGN]



It was a really nice lazy day. After three lessons she came to school yard with your friends. They spoke about girl's things: a gossip, the coming holidays and the boys, of course. Kirsten, witch with short black hair, asked her «So, what about you, Amy? Are you really don't like anyone?»
«Oh, girls, you know that I'm not interested in love», said Pond and finish her iced bun. When she saw him on the yard, she added: «All I can tell you both, that He irritates me», and when he was right in front of Amy, she told him «Hey you, what are you want for me?»
«Oh, my... Where you looking for me, Harkaway? In your mind?» asked Amelia. Everybody knows, that this wizards don't like each other.
«Wh... what? You kidding me», tell him and asking herself: «Why Mr. Peachworkers did it? Don't believe, that it's happened with me. Damn it!».
But now she'll not change anything, and Amy knows it.
«Right now, I want you to stay out of my life, but... who cares?» answered the Decky's question and then she said her friends: «Sorry, girls, as you can see I'll be busy for ages. See you later, I hope.»
«So, what is your idea, smart guy? Impress me.»
[NIC]Amelia Pond[/NIC][STA]anyway[/STA][AVA]https://forumupload.ru/uploads/0018/70/24/2/57960.gif[/AVA]

la la laaa

It was a really nice lazy day. After three lessons she came to school yard with your her, of course <3 friends. They spoke were spoking about girl's girlish? things: a gossips, the coming holidays and the boys, of course. Kirsten, witch with short black hair, asked her who? I think it's better to write the name «So, what about you, Amy? Are it's super bad ahahaha, it's "Don't you really like anyone?"you really don't like anyone?»
«Oh, girls, you know that I'm not interested in love», bullshit ahaha said Pond and finished her iced bun. When she saw him on the yard, she added: «All I can tell you both, that He irritates me», and when he was right in front of Amy, she told him «Hey you, what are you want for from me?»
«Oh, my... Where were you looking for me, Harkaway? In your mind?» asked Amelia. Everybody knows, that this these wizards don't like each other.
«Wh... what? Are You kidding me», tell"ing"? I'm not sure him and asking herself: «Why Mr. Peachworkers did it? Don't believe, that it's happeneding with I guess "to" is better me. Damn it!».
But now she'll  not cannot/couldn't change anything, and Amy knows it.
«Right now, I want you to stay out of my life, but... who cares?» answered "on" probably the Decky's question and then she said her friends: «Sorry, girls, as you can see I'll be busy for ages. See you later, I hope.»
«So, what is your idea, smart guy? Impress me.»



He screwed up his eyes and thought that it would be a disaster, this «experimental project» which will destroy accidentally whole school. But who cares, right? Decky smiled and shrugged his shoulders like nothing was weird and he couldn’t see her clear attitude towards him.
«Yes, I’m kinda not super enthusiastic too about this shit. But unfortunately we have no variants, sorry not sorry, Pond. Or you can try to convince mr. Peachworkers to give as someone else in partners, I won’t mind!»
To be honest, he’s already tried that and you know it was unsuccessful. Bad start for new project and an evil bitch in his team. She always was a badass towards him and his friends. So it’s doubtful that this time it would be better. «Fuck my life, again!» He was sorry for his bad luck.
«Whaaat?! And it’s you who tells me that?! You are the less suited person for me and my project!» He was disappointed and disturbed at the same time. To show his attitude Decky rose his arms and looked suspicious on the girl. Come on, they need to take a break of their hatred!
When they passed a few groups of students and stoped in front of greenhouse of the herbs the boy repeated again.
«If you want to do something special it’s time to tell. Or we will do what I prepared for my project. Not for ours, for mine. And you can say to professor that we were working together, I’m okey with that.»
He thought it might be nice not to work with her but just realise his idea. And «bay», stupid bitchy Amy. He had no reason for hating her but still did it.
[NIC]Decky Harkaway[/NIC][STA]— l o o k —[/STA][AVA]https://i.imgur.com/uTJLGqV.png[/AVA][SGN]i   b e t   y o u   o n l y   u s e d   t h e   b o t h   p r i c e[/SGN]


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